I haven't posted in a while as it's been abit manic although all my filming is completed which is a relief.
A computer virus infected my computer which meant that my footage was under threat and put my schedule behind although the footage is okay but as I had to clean my computer to a previous date, my music video had been reviewed to my draft and all the editing I had finished had gone.
My editing had to be done again and on tuesday when things were going okay, a new problem arrose as my trial for Premier Pro and After Effects had run out. Hopefully I can resolve this problem tonight and finish my video for my deadline tomorrow.
There has also been a last minute change of direction as filming concerns. After editing my video before it was wiped from my computer, I realised that I needed to re-film some of Rickie singing so that it was more believable. I also decided to change the last park location to an inside shoot of Catherine at her dressing table. This is to be remeniscent of a scene in the film 'Factory Girl' shown below of Edie. I also had the idea to possibly add a short scene before the music starts using this footage. This may or may not work, we shall see.