
Monday, 17 October 2011

Location #2 - The 'Factory' Update.

So, yesturday, as the weather was nice, I thought it would be the perfect oppertunity to start the week-full-o-media by clearing out my garage for the 'factory' location.
I started to clear all of the clutter and stuff away, moving stuff we'd need in the future to the back of the garage, so that I could use the front part of the garage to use as the 'factory' and decorate.
I had painted the walls white beforehand, so that I would have a clean canvas to work with as well as the floor, which I should've done after as I had to wait for the floor to dry before covering the walls with tin foil.
At first, I was a bit apprehencious about putting foil on the walls as it might look a bit too make-shift, until I researched that the real Warhol factory was decorated with tin foil aswell, so I went aheadwith it. The result was pretty successful, all I need to do now is finish covering the walls, add lighting and we are sorted.

Below is an image still taken from 'Factory Girl' the film, I realised that to add realism to the location, I should cover some sort of piping with foil aswell to make the space look like a factory interior.

Edie's 'Butterfly' Earrings.

Edie's Butterfly earrings, origionally designed by Steve Sasco Click Here , are famously related to Edie's signature image. There are many images of Edie wearing the earrings and I felt that they needed to be featured in the video.
Now, intead of paying £45 for them on ebay or amazon, I just opted for the cheaper option and DIY them myself.
On a trip to Leicester town, I went to Primark and found four pairs of 60's inspired earrings that I felt would look great through the lens of a camera. One pair in particular that I found were similar to that of the famous pair although after looking at them, it seemed simple enough to edit the design slightly with some tweezers and wire clippers.
Above, I have taken before and after images of the earrings to easily compare them, as well as an image of Catherine wearing them in an unintentional similar position to Edie in the image below it.
The last image is a movie still of Sienna Miller as Edie in the 2006 film 'Factory Girl'.

Location #3

Today was the second day of my media week, I went into Leicester town and one of the things I managed to do whilst I was there was take pictures of the third location for the music video.
I have not been to this location since I had the idea about filming there but it was as good as I remembered. The only thing I didnt think about was that the fountain would have water in it and therefore the band would not be able to climb on it which I featured in my animatic. Although, there is a statue there which I think could prove useful for those shots. The idea for the shot came from the film 'Factory Girl', a movie still shows this below.
The location is meant to be representative of Central Park in New York, this is hardly Central Park but I think the visual element will be there in the music video.
There are also a series of steps shown in the slideshare below which I think could prove useful for the walking shots of Rickie and one of the girls.