1. Falls of crew/equipment?
Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium/High
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (4), all equipment
Precautions: Minimise risks by briefing band members on what they are required to do beforehand, make sure all wires from microphone, keyboard etc. are tidied away or in clear sight. Make sure that the camera is either on the tripod securely or around my neck with the support of a strap. When finished with the camera, make sure it is put back in its leather case to avoid drop damage or scratches.
2. Temporary Structures?
Answer: Yes (Garage/Factory)
Severity: Low
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (4), all equipment
Precautions: Minimise risks by briefing band members on what they are required to do beforehand so the shots can be taken quickly and efficiently. Ensure structure is safe and secure along with any stacked boxes etc. being safe and sturdy.
3. Tripping Hazards?
Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (4), all equipment.
Precautions: Minimise risks by briefing band members on what they are required to do beforehand, make sure all wires from microphone, keyboard etc. are tidied away or in clear sight. Make sure that boxes stacked in the factory are secure and sturdy. Make sure footwear in the park location is not likely to be slippy or a trip hazard.
Answer: No
Severity: Low
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: -
Precautions: No precautions to take.
Special Effects?
Answer: Yes (Cigarettes - smoke giving an effect)
Severity: Low/Medium
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors (3)
Precautions: Minimise risks by briefing actors to be careful when handling the cigarettes in order not to burn themselves. Also, ensure actors are aware of objects around them and their costume and dress as this may cause a fire hazard (especially hairspray).
6. Weapons?
Answer: No
Severity: Low
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: -
Precautions: No precautions to take.
7. Burns from Lighting?
Answer: Yes
Severity: Medium/High
Likelihood: Low
Persons at risk: all actors and crew (4), all equipment
Precautions: Minimise risks by briefing band members of the heat from the lighting, especially in the studio and factory Locations. In the studio, we need to be careful that the lighting does not get too hot and overheat the camera.
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Shooting Software.

When filming the video, I need to make sure that the memorycard in my camera will be large enough to hold all of the footage and the photos from the shoot. To avoid this possible downfall, I will take two, possibly three, memory cards with me on each of the shoots so that we will have enough storage if more shooting needs to be done e.g. multiple shots. This is also as looking throuh the footage on location and deleting will be time consuming, I also believe that you dont know what footage youve truly got and what is usable or not until you see it on the computer screen. Another issue with time consumtion is that in the studio location, I can only rent it out for two hours at a time, four hours being too much, we will need to be efficient and not waste time which will be aided from the scedule list and the order of one band member geting dressed whilst the other is being filmed etc.
I will need to ensure that the battery is funny charged etc. which is an obvious thing to do, and I will also need to book a tripod in advance from the college library and enquire of how long I can take it out for.
I will need to ensure that the camera is safe, so to avoid damage, I will bring my hard leather case for the camera which I will ensure is on the camera whenever I am not using it.
Female Band Members - (Catherine and Joanne)
For the female band members, styling, in my eyes, should be inspired by the likes of Audrey Hepburn and of course Edie Sedgewick, who were both huge icons of the 60's era.
To begin, I think that the styling of the hair should be a 60's inspired up do, much like the one seen in the photo of Audrey here, as both girls have longer hair and if their hair is up, I believe that the theatrical make-up and huge earrings will be shown of more and have a bigger impact in the video, all the time thinking about the individual band member and styling them suited to their personal 'look'. The huge eyelashes on both of these icons is a must, as I feel this will add a huge amount of drama and a vintage aesthetic to the visuals. I think that Twiggy is another inspiration for this part of the styling with her huge eyelashes and pixie-like image.
For the styling of dress in the video, I have been thinking of how to distribute the outfits that I have already found between girls and each location.
For the studio shoot, I feel that 60's inspired party shift dresses and huge earrings will be most effective as they will be in a studio environment, so the background will be simple and so I want the costume to be bright and stand out. I also believe that at this point, the band performance is going to be filmed, along with the shoot for the album artwork, so the band needs to look good together. There is also no limit to the extravagance of the styling on this location as it is inside and the studio setting shows no restrictions for dress.
I also had the idea at this point to show one of the girls, I am thinking Joanne, to be wearing black tights and a striped t-shirt during the 'David Bailey inspired' shots of the photoshoot, where Rickie is imitating Andy Warhol and Joanne would be immitating Edie. Here is a photo I have for the inspiration behind this look.

r the 'Warhol's Factory' location, I was thinking that the girls should still ahve the updo's and Edie inspired makeup, however, their outfits would be more relaxed, perhaps with tights again and some sort of dress/top. I am yet to go to Goldrush and pick out clothes for the video so therefore, I am hoping to find something for them when we do that.
For the park w/ fountain location, I was very inspired by a previous clip montage I watched from the film 'Factory Girl' and embeded it in a previous post.
I was thinking that at this point in the video, the girls will both wear their shift dresses and tights underneath fur jackets, of which I am now in possesion of. I think that the obvious think to do when filming in an outdoor location is to dress appropriately, to make the styling more believable from a visual point of view.
Male Main Artist -(Rickie)
For Rickie, I had to take in mind the previous styling from the last magazine project as my artist has evolved, although still maintaining some of the edgy rockaholic style that was developed last time.
The Idea of styling also relates to the amplication video style with Rickie, as for part of the video, he imitates Andy and to a viewing audience, I need to make it clear of the link with Rickie and Andy as well as the switch between each persona in the video.
With Rickie's individual style, I think the 60's influence could still be present, with a possible vitage blazer from Goldrush and I'm thinking a black poloneck, which I have found to be a classic 60's styling for men with Chelsea boots and tailored trousers. I think that by swapping the trousers and boots for jeans and doc Martens will link well with Rickie's signature 'look' and fans can relate.
I have taken inspiration for the 'Andy Styling' for Rickie from photographs I have found from the factory shown below. What is apparent is Andy's own signature 'look' with a striped white t-shirt layered with a leather jacket and Ray-Ban style shades. I have everything sorted for this outfit already and I believe that it will represent Andy correctly as well as not clashing with the style of how Rickie dresses.
The classic combination of Warhol's leather and stripe reminded me of Elvis Presley's styling for the music video 'Jailhouse Rock'. From this image, of Elvis standing infront of a white studio screen, I can visualise the studio concept of my video and this image is something I am aiming to achive for in the final shoot.
For the inside 'Factory' location, the 'Andy look' will be continued, perhaps without the leather jacket to add interest to the overal visuals.
For the park location, I think that Rickie needs to match well with the styling of the girls, however his look being slightly more slicker and tailored. My tweed blazer we used in the shoot for my music magazine at AS proved well on camera and I think that this would be a good idea to use again perhaps, depending on what we find on our group trip to Goldrush.
Analysing Lyrics and Shooting Ideas.
Here, I have printed off a copy of the lyrics of the song for the music video and annotated them.
After studying the lyrics and thinking of links and meanings they could have of Andy and Edie in the factory years and I think that my findings have been successful.
The song is ultimately about staying up all night partying at a first glance, but after reading between the lines, the lyrics have relation to Edie's 'party' lifestle and how Andy was trying to steer her away from the reputation.
At the beginning of the song, the lyrics seem to be written in the third person, 'we had fun', which could have relation to how Edie 'used to' be before she died. To me, this seems like the band is singing from the present day about her, which differes later in the song as the lyrics turn to the present day, 'and now words are to cheap'. I believe that this could have relevance to my music video of Rickie kind of becoming the part of Andy in the video, so therefore he is telling her directly, 'in the present day'.
By analysing these lyrics and linking them to my idea concept, I wanted to create 'Intertextuality' and give the song an additional meaning which by implying through lyrics and visuals, some audience members may understand this and gain a sense of fulfillment about this. I feel that it gives the song an additional layer and link with the visuals, as I don't want to just create a 60's style video alongside music.
Analysing Lyrics
After studying the lyrics and thinking of links and meanings they could have of Andy and Edie in the factory years and I think that my findings have been successful.
The song is ultimately about staying up all night partying at a first glance, but after reading between the lines, the lyrics have relation to Edie's 'party' lifestle and how Andy was trying to steer her away from the reputation.
At the beginning of the song, the lyrics seem to be written in the third person, 'we had fun', which could have relation to how Edie 'used to' be before she died. To me, this seems like the band is singing from the present day about her, which differes later in the song as the lyrics turn to the present day, 'and now words are to cheap'. I believe that this could have relevance to my music video of Rickie kind of becoming the part of Andy in the video, so therefore he is telling her directly, 'in the present day'.
By analysing these lyrics and linking them to my idea concept, I wanted to create 'Intertextuality' and give the song an additional meaning which by implying through lyrics and visuals, some audience members may understand this and gain a sense of fulfillment about this. I feel that it gives the song an additional layer and link with the visuals, as I don't want to just create a 60's style video alongside music.
Analysing Lyrics
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