So, yesturday, as the weather was nice, I thought it would be the perfect oppertunity to start the week-full-o-media by clearing out my garage for the 'factory' location.
I started to clear all of the clutter and stuff away, moving stuff we'd need in the future to the back of the garage, so that I could use the front part of the garage to use as the 'factory' and decorate.
I had painted the walls white beforehand, so that I would have a clean canvas to work with as well as the floor, which I should've done after as I had to wait for the floor to dry before covering the walls with tin foil.
At first, I was a bit apprehencious about putting foil on the walls as it might look a bit too make-shift, until I researched that the real Warhol factory was decorated with tin foil aswell, so I went aheadwith it. The result was pretty successful, all I need to do now is finish covering the walls, add lighting and we are sorted.
Below is an image still taken from 'Factory Girl' the film, I realised that to add realism to the location, I should cover some sort of piping with foil aswell to make the space look like a factory interior.
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